Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Choosing the Right Dress for your Prom or Wedding

(Prom Night)Your style is reflected in everything you wear.
That style will give people a lasting impression of your image. You can chose to make that impression good or bad. Prom night is the night most girls have thought about for a long time, probably since their freshman year.

Prom night is the most important night of a young adult’s high school life. Fashion is everything to a young adult’s impression and image, the self-esteem it creates is priceless. Deciding what to wear is a job in itself, while selecting your dress you want to be very particular.

There will be cameras flashing like paparazzi at the prom, what you wear may end up on a facebook page, or a person’s email. Everyone has received these e-mails. You know the e-mails that show the worst dressed at a prom. Usually the person in the photo thinks they are styling, looking good, or being admired. To the photographed persons dismay they are the center of the joke of the prom, shortly thereafter their photo will circulate through the google or yahoo mail group with people viewing and laughing as though they are watching comedy central.

You want to avoid being labeled the worse dressed, the ghetto prom freak, the sleazy prom dresser, the ugliest prom gown, or many other labels that come with wearing terrible attire during prom night. The question is, how do you avoid these labels that will follow you for the rest of your life?

The answer is, you want to get a dress that compliments your style and personality. You want a dress that leaves an incredible lasting impression. You don’t want a dress that people see photos of that may make them think they are looking at a ghetto prom photo, or where you are the laughing stock of e-mails world wide.

You also don’t want a dress that will make you look cheap and easy. Trust me photos leave a lasting image. Therefore you want to protect your image by dressing like a celebrity, in a celebrity gown or a prom theme that is fit for a princess.